Random data

The random module provides functionality to generate random Base-N data, via the bases.random.rand_bytes and bases.random.rand_str functions:

  • the function call rand_bytes(n) returns an iterator yielding a stream of n random bytestrings

  • the function call rand_bytes(n, encoding=enc) returns an iterator yielding a stream of n random bytestrings valid for the encoding (i.e. they should be encoded without error)

  • the function call rand_str(n, encoding=enc) returns an iterator yielding a stream of n random strings valid for the encoding (i.e. they should be decoded without error)

  • the function call rand_str(n, alphabet=alph) returns an iterator yielding a stream of n random strings with characters from the alphabet

  • the function call rand_bytes() returns an iterator yielding an infinite stream of random bytestrings

  • the function call rand_bytes(encoding=enc) returns an iterator yielding an infinite stream of random bytestrings valid for the encoding

  • the function call rand_str(encoding=enc) returns an iterator yielding an infinite stream of random strings valid for the encoding

  • the function call rand_str(alphabet=alph) returns an iterator yielding an infinite stream of random strings with characters from the alphabet

Generate random data

Example of random base data generation:

>>> from bases import base10, base32
>>> from bases import random
>>> my_random_bytes = list(random.rand_bytes(4, encoding=base10))
>>> [list(b) for b in my_random_bytes]
[[0, 30, 135, 156, 223, 90, 134, 83, 6, 243, 245],
 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 49, 216, 87, 1, 2],
 [70, 98, 190, 187, 66, 224, 178],
 [0, 96, 63]]
>>> my_random_strings = list(random.rand_str(4, encoding=base32))
>>> my_random_strings

Random generation options

The bases.random.options context manager is used to set options temporarily, within the scope of a with directive:

  • min_bytes and max_bytes set bounds on the length of bytestrings yielded by rand_bytes

  • min_chars and max_chars set bounds on the length of strings yielded by rand_str

Options can be set with bases.random.set_options and reset with bases.random.reset_options. A read-only view on options can be obtained from bases.random.get_options, and a read-only view on default options can be obtained from bases.random.default_options:

>>> random.default_options()
mappingproxy({'min_bytes': 0, 'max_bytes': 16,
              'min_chars': 0, 'max_chars': 16})